I have had this blog for quite some time I wanted to talk about me as an embroiderer/illustrator what inspires me but I had no idea what to write or where to start but as my mother always says ‘it’s best to start at the beginning’. I went to college in Newry called Southern Regional Collage I completed a BT in Design and a foundation in Art and Design. During these three years the modules included where graphics, product, fashion, fine art, ceramics, textile, jewellery, print, photography and interior design. Below are some pictures of the work I created on this course.
Textiles class:

This piece I created in my textile craft class. Inspiration for this piece was Sally Freshwater who creates contemporary textile pieces for interiors, the colour was inspired by a photo I found of a warehouse with different coloured windows see first photo concept board and the shapes inspired by the Sydney opera house.

The brief was to use the sketches we created when visiting the Ulster museum to create a black and white poster.
Fine Art:

At the start of the fine art class we were given images which we had to draw in different media. The first image was created in charcoal, 2nd in oil bar and the 3rd in oil paint but creating warm and cold greys a lesion on how to mix colour.

In photography class I learnt how to use an SRL camera and how to develop photograph my favourite was my black and white photos. These photographs I have put up are photos I have taken of my class mate but changes in Photoshop.
Final show:
After experimenting in the different areas on these courses I decided to specialize in textile as I loved the tactile quality you can create. For my final show I designed bed cover and curtains for a little girl’s room. It was created using appliqué and embellishing using bead and sequence. See photo below.