After the harbour project i started to research illustrators. One of my favourites was Louise Gardiner. She is an artist who recently exhibited her work in The Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair and The knit and Stitch show in Harrogate. In 2009 the Embroidery magazine wrote an article on this artist, the title of the artile was "Bring me Sunshine" (embroiery, Sept/Oct 2009, p28) which I think sums up what Gardiner is trying to bring to people when they view her work.
She uses similar embroidery techniques to mine such as applique, freehand machine and traditional hand stitching. Gardiner also created illustrations for a book called Saggy Boobs to teach mothers about breastfeedng and the myths that surround breastfeeding. This is what sets Gardiner apart from other artists, her ability to educate but still create humour making others feel more at easy.
She created this book by going round the Manchester region to investigate and interview women at their post-natal classes to help uncover the most commonly believed myths around breastfeeding. She wanted to help tackle these beliefs for mums 'to' be, with warmth and wit and encourge woman to breastfeed (Gardiner, 2008)